Share Portfolio Management

History shows that, while volatile in the short to medium term, over the long term shares can be a great way to preserve and create wealth. But you need to know what you are doing so that you can manage the volatility. What’s more the share market can also be complex, and simply managing your share portfolio can be a time-consuming and expensive process.

We help you with all aspects of your share portfolio – from assistance in finding the right investments in the first place, to keeping the balance of your portfolio in line with your appetite for risk, to managing things like franking credits and your participation in share buy-backs and the like. We use economies of scale to add value to your portfolio and our service means you are never ‘on your own’ when it comes to investing. We keep a constant eye on the share market so that you do not have to.

Professional share portfolio management can make all the difference to the success of your investment. So, talk to us today about how we can help you get the most out of your share investments.


Portfolio Administration

We believe having accurate information at your fingertips is imperative for making smart financial decisions.

That’s why we’ve teamed up with Sharesight – to take the hassle out of managing your share portfolio.

Sharesight is a cloud-based portfolio tool that gives you online access to stock and fund performance and a host of other features. But the best thing about it is how it ends the paper trail.

Dividends and adjustments are automatically accounted for and each trade is automatically added to your portfolio. Once your portfolio is established we’ll integrate it with Xero to make bank reconciliation a breeze.

You’ll find Sharesight easy to use, accurate and it will save us both time. Plus you’ll get a portfolio tool that helps you manage your investments by removing the paperwork.

All the features you want, without the clutter

Real-time trades – no more data entry
When you make a trade, simply email your contract note to Sharesight and your portfolio will be instantly updated with the transaction. Or instruct your broker to do it for you. No more data entry.

Real-time trades – no more data entry

When you make a trade, simply email your contract note to Sharesight and your portfolio will be instantly updated with the transaction. Or instruct your broker to do it for you. No more data entry.

Performance reporting
 Sharesight automatically calculates the performance of your portfolio and each share holding and fund position within it. That makes comparisons with other investment options is easy. Rank your shares by performance, identify non-performers and improve your decision making.

Performance reporting

Sharesight automatically calculates the performance of your portfolio and each share holding and fund position within it. That makes comparisons with other investment options is easy. Rank your shares by performance, identify non-performers and improve your decision making.

Automates dividends and adjustments
Sharesight automatically calculates and records dividend payments (including tax credits) and automatically adjusts for share splits, name changes, capital returns and other corporate action events.

Automates dividends and adjustments

Sharesight automatically calculates and records dividend payments (including tax credits) and automatically adjusts for share splits, name changes, capital returns and other corporate action events.

Xero Integration
Connect your Sharesight portfolio to your Xero account and have details of share purchases, sales
and dividends automatically reconciled against your bank statement and included in your financial
accounts. Furthermore, Sharesight can pull in your bank account balances and cash investments, so your total financial position is displayed right within your portfolio.

Xero Integration

Connect your Sharesight portfolio to your Xero account and have details of share purchases, sales and dividends automatically reconciled against your bank statement and included in your financial accounts. Furthermore, Sharesight can pull in your bank account balances and cash investments, so your total financial position is displayed right within your portfolio.

Portfolio sharing
Share your portfolio with us so we can easily get the information we need without having to hassle you for it.

Portfolio sharing

Share your portfolio with us so we can easily get the information we need without having to hassle you for it.

Nick Shanley

Financial Adviser / Director

Born and bred in Newcastle, Nick is passionate about helping people achieve their financial goals.

Having completed a Bachelor of Finance degree and the FPA’s internationally recognised Certified Financial Planner® course, Nick is well versed on the technical aspects of providing financial advice. With over 10 years’ experience in the financial advice industry, he understands the value of reputation in the hunter and focuses on establishing long term relationships with the people he assists.

Throughout his career, Nick has provided advice to people from all walks of life including high net worth individuals and successful business leaders. The scope of this advice has been wide ranging from simple savings plans to sophisticated Centrelink, pre-retirement and investment strategies.

It is Nick's goal to always display the highest level of integrity and ethical behaviour in all circumstances. This is evidenced by his membership of the Financial Planning Association and the Hunter Young Professionals.

The vast majority of people Nick assists come from word of mouth and appreciate his no pressure methods of simplifying and improving their financial situations through continuous communication and support.

Nick is always interested in sharing his knowledge so feel free to contact him on 0425 345 128 or

Nick Shanley is an authorised representative (338220) of Sensibly Pty Ltd (AFSL 533923).

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